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Each EpoStory is a series of text-driven AI generated images created by the minters. Holders can use the generator to extend their EpoStory by adding new layers at any time.

About this collection

EpoStories are the evolution of 2nd generation Eponyms, and are created by burning to genesis Eponym pieces. EpoStory holders can continue to extend their EpoStory at any time, as long as they also hold an Eponym under the same wallet.


About the layers

When modifying an EpoStory, the creators add an additional layer of text & generated image on top of the existing one of their EpoStory. Owners of EpoStories have rights to the all of the layers of their EpoStory to use as they see fit. Holders can add an unlimited number of layers to their EpoStory at a cost of 0.02ETH per layer.

The history

Eponyms are works of art created by the community using a text-to-art generator developed by ART AI. In order to generate an Eponym, users entered a text prompt as the name of an artwork, and the AI created a piece to match the name. Users could either re-generate, or mint the resulting piece. The process resulted in a collection of 10,000 artworks, created by the community during the minting night. The 1st generation of Eponym was subsequently cleaned in a burning event, during which 2727 Eponyms were burned, reducing the total supply to 7273 Epnyms.

Burn two Eponyms to create a new EpoStory

Eponyms are works of art created using EpoLabs’ text-to-art generator. To create an Eponym, minters entered a text prompt as the NFT title, and the AI created a piece to match that title. Users could then mint the result. The process resulted in a collection of 10,000 artworks created by the community during the minting night.

Burn Eponym